Wednesday, December 21, 2011

December 21, 2011 Forecast

I think I was born with the gift of forecasting and I thought it was time I finally shared my insights.

Today's forecasts for December 21, 2011

The Squill: The vending machine on the second floor won't like your dollar bill. Be sure to pocket some dollar coins this week. You will forget your lunch and need to buy a snack to carry you through to dinner.

The Raken: The green folder isn't as flashy as the pink but it is less taxing on the eye. You will still be able to find the green folder when you need.

The Shouag: Eat that last cup of yogurt in the refrigerator- It's about to expire.

The Glator: Your hands need more lotion on the knuckle side. Without it, many will wish they had avoided your handshake.

The Champik: Love is in your future and close at hand if you'll avoid flesh colored tops... That's right tan t-shirt.

Thank you for letting me practice and share my gift.
I hope that helps.

PS Keep in mind we are in the tantrum of the Monetz. It will end when the Dollken and Shrubb meet at 4th St. and Gate. Then we'll transition into the expression of the Wood bee.

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